NEW NAME – SAME MISSION – EXPANDING REACH. Our name is changing! Effective June 7, 2023, we are now Ronald McDonald House Charities of Greater Delaware. Read the announcement here.

Barbara Bonk

Barbara Bonk

Family Room Program Coordinator

Barbara graduated from the University of Delaware with a Bachelor’s Degree in Family and Community Services in 1998. She joined Ronald McDonald House Charities of Greater Delaware as a Relief Manager in January 1999, after a fall internship. She enjoyed interacting with the families and helping to staff the House on the weekend and holidays. In addition to being a Relief Manager she started to work in the Family Resource Center at Nemours Children’s Hospital, Delaware in April 2010 as a Sleep Room Coordinator. In January 2019, she started to work full time as the Family Room Program Coordinator overseeing the Family Resource Center at Nemours Children’s Hospital, Delaware and the Family Room at the Christiana Hospital. She enjoys working with volunteers and families, extending RMHCGDE’s goal of providing a “home-away-from-home” for families to the hospital. When she is not at RMHCGDE, she enjoys swimming, going to the beach, and spending time with family and friends.

Contact Barbara:
(302) 656-4847 ext. 402