Your legacy makes a difference. Help ensure families with critically ill or injured children continue to have a “home-away-from-home” during their most difficult times.
- Learn more about leaving your legacy
- Learn about our planned giving society, Legacy of Hope
- Create your legal will and legacy gift for free using this trusted resource from our partners at FreeWill
- If you have already thought of us- thank you! Please share with us how you have included us in your plans
We’re dedicated to guiding you every step of the way, helping you design a gift that reflects your passions and secures your desired impact. To learn more about the Legacy of Hope Society, or to share with us how you have included us in your plans, please reach out to our Individual Giving Officer Cindy Olsavsky at or 302-428-5331

Sample bequest language for your will or living trust to share with your attorney:
“I, [name], of [city, state ZIP], give, devise and bequeath to Ronald McDonald House Charities of Greater Delaware, 51-0295320, [written amount, percentage of the estate or description of property, or “the total residue of my estate.”] for its unrestricted use and purpose.”
Ronald McDonald Charities of Greater Delaware’s federal tax ID number is: 51-0295320