Ways to Give

Online donations offer an option to make a memorial or tribute donation in honor or memory of a loved one.

Learn about volunteer opportunities for groups and individuals.

Donations from this list help keep our pantries full and supplies stocked at our House and Family Rooms.

Provide a meal by volunteering or coordinating a catered meal to be delivered.

3rd party fundraising event examples include bake sales, dress down days, car washes, and sports outings.

Attend one of our fundraising events to support our families!

Recurring giving provides a steady stream of revenue which helps us focus more on mission delivery.

Fundraising made easy! Host your fundraising campaign online through our Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Campaign website.

A year-long sponsorship of one of the 50 guest rooms in the Ronald McDonald House.

It may be possible for you to double the impact of your contributions by submitting for a matching gift from your employer.

Have an old vehicle that you don’t know what to do with? You can donate it to RMHC Greater Delaware.

Planned giving typically comes from a donor’s assets, and can be either outright or deferred.

Gifts of Stock

Stock and securities can be donated directly to RMHC Greater Delaware. To make your donation through your broker, access our transfer information here.

United Way

You may designate donations to RMHCGDE by contributing through United Way at your workplace. Please use our designation number: Delaware #0800 or Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey #6368

To donate though your IRA, please contact your IRA custodian. Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs), depending on your age, may also count towards your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD).

Collect change from your community, co-workers, customers or student body to make a difference.