Academic Service Hours

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Ronald McDonald House Charities of Greater Delaware! Below, you can browse volunteer projects that are eligible for service hours. Please complete the form at the bottom of the page with your interests and someone from our volunteer team will be in touch. You can expect a response to your inquiry within 5-7 business days.

Important: We recommend planning ahead well in advance of the date you need your service hours completed.  We do not work with court-ordered volunteer service.

Participate in direct, onsite service tasks at the Ronald McDonald House.

Assemble shelf-stable kits for families to enjoy while visiting our Ronald McDonald Family Rooms at the hospital.

Coordinate a wish list drive to collect donations for the House and our Family Rooms.

Collect change from your community, co-workers, customers or student body to make a difference.

Please fill out this form and expect to be contacted by us within 5-7 business days with the next steps to get started.